Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Star of the month: Petra Marklund

This month i picked "September"aka Petra Marklund because her song touch my heart and helped me out with my emotions

September is the artist name of Swedish singer Petra Marklund,

Petra Marklund was born determined. By the time she was twelve, she was already in studios recording. At seventeen, she was singing in a rock band and when she graduated from Swedish high school, at a time when most teenagers worry about what to wear to their interviews for a job at McDonalds, Petra had already nailed a record deal. A big one. Calling herself September, the then 18-year old had hits like "La la la (Never give it up)", "We can do it" and "September all over". The songs were written and produced by dynamic hit making trio Jonas von der Burg, Niclas von der Burg and Anoo Bhagavan, and with Petra, they made a great team where Petra found exactly the kind of high-quality dance music she was looking for to make. While danceable and catchy, the songs always have its base in Petra's dark, surprisingly sad voice that lingers in your ears, making them stick out from the hit parades on the radio.

Two years and a well-needed vacation later, September is back to do what she does best: singing.

(info from her myspace page)