Saturday, July 12, 2008

biking alone on my street searchin for a lost friend but found a reborn stud

yeah tonight i found my old school 80's bike that was originally from my uncle when he was a kid!!! hehhe i was fashion victim on wheels YEAH baby!!!(my princess gold cap, a huge orange diamond stud, my supper baggy rip chateau jeans, my aqua blue undies, army bandanna and my silver shoes) i was super styling baby!!! yeah! so yah biking like a mad man lol move over bitch im doin a marathon

okay this i ssoo crazy this boy in my brother class in elementary school not good looking and tonight i bike to the video store and he was working... im tellin u this boy was a skinny red head boy.. now he is like super buff and handsome!!! i was like in my head (shit man he has bigger guns than me that bitch!!! hahaha) yah so
he transformed into a beautiful hot stud... okay im abit jealous okay hahahah i admit it okay guys!!! give me credit lol yah and he said he has a gf... awww soo cute but she better be hot because wat a waste of talent hahhha i can alway convert him to our side "boys love boys"!!!
yah so i ended up renting the movie ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
it better be good grrr

omg i feel soo fat i ate too much at Kanda today.. and u know what i used to eat more... i think u are right ray my stomach shrank!!!

yah so tonight song is I WANT YOU

"don't misunderstands me..."