Saturday, September 27, 2008

To finish of the month of septemeber with SEPTEMBER!!!!

yah so yesterday the super amazing nite !!!

oh so here the whole story

when we got to the club there was a huge line up and we went up to the bouncer to tell them that we had vip's and he pointed to the long line. he said that that was the vip line i was like wahhhh!! (faint) but then he said if bruno let him borrow his magic umberlla he would let us go in right away!!! so i knew that the huge umberlla came in good use lol

so when we when inside i text Vlad (manager) right away and he said that septemebr didnt arrived yet so i was like chillaxin...

*omg i hate 1234 itz soo umm how u say it... STRAIGHT lol

yah so september finally came and she was 30 mins late but hey it her soo she can hehehe

yah so i pushed my way right in front.. and there was a frigen fat chick in front of me grrr so i like booty my way thru heheheh

and i had the best spot ever!!!!

i was like paparazzi *snap snap snap

the first song was UNTIL I DIE , LOOKING FOR LOVE and CRY FOR U

yah she was amazing!!!!

and i got to hold her hand at the end!!! hehehe

yah so after her performance i text Vlad to see if i can meet her... but he text back sayin that Septmeber didnt wanna see me... :(

i was like NOOOOOO
i text back plz i must see her i have a present for her!!!

so he said okay if u wanna see her u have to come outside right now becuase she is leave the place to her hotel!!!!
i was like..wahhhhhh move over bitch!!!
yah so when i was out side september was there and i got to meet her and she asked me if i want to walk with her to her limo...
yah so we talked for a bit and she opened her present (i got her this awesome bling bling necklace and she said she loved it and will wear it maybe in her next concert)
i was happy she liked it and she signed my cd cover and we took a pic and she left...
oh and she said she will check out my web page and see what kinda stuff i do

hopefully i she will hire me as her fashion stylist!!! hehehe

yah so after that i had this big smile all night!!!

then bruno and i went for Tropical Hawaii
and that was my amazing September moment...
that i will never forget

oh this is the song that i wish September did instead of Looking For Love
