Thursday, July 31, 2008

break from my life....

he will always be with me and when Im ready i will be back ...

this song is for him...

Thanks eric for stayin up super late to make this vid and comforting me cuz if not i was gonna die....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

cant help how i feel


the first time every sleeping soo early... omg i really needed it!! i thank all this is making me super weak... im having such a hard time... but time will tell
oh and Patty cake is back i talked to him yesterday and he in trouble also...
"why do we love the ones that dont want us..."
that is the million dollar question!!!

yah so after seeing patty i went to eat alone
yeah guys isnt it crazy!!
im a loner now!! so not me but i think i need it
but i got two calls from my new friends so it was kinda sweet of them
it kept my mind away from you know who

yah to sum up everything i was in my coma and i love it cuz when i sleep i dont have to think about anything and anyone

todays song is for my patty cake IF by Beyonce listen well

i know how u are feelin and you always told me fallow my heart but i dont think it will work this time... im sorry

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Soo tired wanna go in a coma....

i always wanted to be with him i always try soo hard to spend as much time with him but he never lets me and when i do he doesn't want me...

well im sick and tired of my weak heart...
if you love someone u wont make them feel like shit
so if u wont love me someone in the future will...
and its his lost because he will never met anyone like me ever again

"Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time, impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad
Quit playin' games with my heart

I live my life the way
To keep you comin' back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see

the love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hangin' here forever..."

we have this strong connection but we are opposite which i don't mind
but i guess they see the worst in me and everyone wants perfect but sorry im not... and will never be...

lets just say that i don't believe in love anymore...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

woooohhh too close!!! next time svp take a dump when u are alone!!!

once upon a time... hahhaha yah so kimmie just told me the funnies shit ever!!! okay listen guys she been seing this guy for like not even a week and yesterday nite she goes takes a shower this morning and he slept over so he comes to the bathroom also soo think that he just came in to pee he takes a huge shit!!! hahaha a floater!! isnt that nasty like hey dude u guys are getting to know each other... u guys are not that close
hahahhaha dont get me wrong he is a fucken hot guy...huge and black!!! but plz your killing me omg kim was soo petrified lol i can just imagine her face :S and the smell hahahah

she is like "ITS NOT NORMAL!!!!" hahahah

yah so i find out that the new guy is straight boooooo he is not my on team... but hey i bet i can turn him over to the bright side in a sec hahaha with my hot sexy moves!!! more like my frozen cat pose hahahah meow!!!

yah so i just found out i need more time for myself omg it felt soo good!!!
BMZ alone!!! i was so mellow hehehe

so song of the night is WHO THE FUCK U THINK U ARE!!!!
spice up your life!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

what do i gotta do..??

i feel so bad... i havent doin my part as a best friend and now i will have to wait till he comes back.... im soo sorry hun... BMZ for sure because it wat we really need... i been soo busy tryin to get my life straight i forget about u :(
and u always been by my side PattiCake call me soon plz

yah so today was a crazy day!!!
i had crazy customer!!! one came out of the cabin with out pants and showed me her boobies!!! ewwwwww and one looked like a 80 year old hooker hahaha and she bought silver hooker spice girls shoes!!! hahahhaha
oh well everyone has a style which i respect
like me i have ppl who hate the way i dress but i dont mind itz who i am
oh and today there is a new boy at work yah he s kool i thin k we can be good friends hahaha he is a funny guy... well Dee and the gang at chateau loves him... yah he thinks im funny.. ummm do i look like i have a clown nose??!!!! bitch!! hahaha nah i bet by this week we will good buddies!! hahahaha oh still the question is are u gay or straight hahahha my gaydar hasnt been working lately grrrrrrrrr gott get it fx soon!!!!

oh shit i forgot to tell u about the guy at work hahaha he wanted me to find a concealer for him... i could tell he was hitting on me so i said i have to serve alot of customer before so it will be long... think he would leave but he didnt he stayed for 45 mins lol and i was like ohh u still here lol (grrr) he was like i'll wait till u are done... i was like okay it long man!!! hahah so i served everyone even thbe ines that just came in hahahaha and i finlly served him and sold him a NW25 moisture cover hahahahah and he asked me to put it on for him grrrr but watever he was soo happy
hahhahah so ENJOY!!!

ps the calgary girls are gone :( we will miss them

the song of the night is macy gray - what i gotta do

drink + slap in the face = me with a slush and if your lucky u get a kung fu fight with me lol

yah i was the biggest hobo ever yesterday!!!
free food free drink
i feel soo bad for V for slapping him when he gave my drink to someone else..:s
i should learn to control myself soo sorry you know itz my animal instinct lol
yah so the girl from Calgary are leaving today and i will miss them a lot they have been such a sweet heart!! i will remember them forever!!! oh someone remind me to add them on my facebook lol yah so our penelope did amazing yesterday but didnt make it to the finals... it kinda sucks but hey we love her and im her number one fan!!! she will be taking a break but she will come back strong.. 4 sure!!!
yah so hopefully i get some pics of yesterday to post soon!!!
omg i cant stop listen to the sos song!!! i love it!!!
baby baby baby sending out an SOS!!!!!!!!

yah so 1 day back at le chateau GRRRR
lol no no mis the guys there so i'll see what they have new for me to buy!!!!
hahhhahah so im OFF to work!!!

Song of the day is WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN! ENJOY xoxoxo

Thursday, July 24, 2008

sendin out an SOS!!!!!!!

this video looks sooo vintage like late 70's porn love love love
oh and when the guys both touch each other with cocoanut juice...yummm!!!! hahahah super gay!!!!

so yah baby baby baby im sending out an sos

1970's baby!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Something right!!!!

This song says it all!!! and im feeling good!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

dont get the wrong impression

i found out what is wrong with me...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

missin something??!

yah so today i had a huge bbq party with my mommy side of the family! they make the best food ever!!! IM SOOO FULL!!! wat is funny is that they still think im straight hahahha!!! "oh you good Pretty boy... why no girlfriend???!!! hahhaha"

yah so i been think alot which yes yes i know guys itz bad for me but i been missing somthing but i dont know what it is??? i dont know how to say it but there is somthing but i dont know... and i dont feel good??? yah so thank patty for tomorrow... i think itz black and white the theme... i will go all white!!! cuz i wear black all the time GRRR

yah so this song of the night~ ME AND MY IMAGINATION

Friday, July 18, 2008

Asian Lovers Is that You?!!! LOL

TGIF!!! Thank God Its Friday!!!!

yah so today is my little fashion designers birthday aka white boy that is a jap hahahah we know who that is!!!!! JP!!! happy birthday babes!!!

oh and i would like to announce that my viet go this first job!!! he willl be designing with montreal top local designer!!! ANDY THEANE


Moi= Mens magazine
Viet= High Fashion (to high lol)

Yeah my black soul is screaming for this song this morning!!!!

merci kylie

if it wasn't for your music, awesome style and beauty... i wouldn't be where i am today in fashion, meeting a special person in my life and for comforting me for good times and bad

song of the day is white diamond ballad ver. (love love love because this is how i feel now)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

too tired to write but song of the night by Mya

Crazy day !!! i think i will faint plz st maria help me!!!

big day of work and then gym i dont know if i will survive the day???
my day start at 7:30 ugh!!
well good luck to moi!!

Song of the day DANCE by Chanel

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

u know i been holdin on... but sorry if im too gay for u!!!

i like the way i dress and personality... if anyone can't accept it then u don't like the real me... and you loose
i never judge... NEVER!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


That’s right, pleased to meet you
still don't wanna tell you my name
Don’t you believe in mystery
Don’t you wanna play my game

I’m lookin’ for a man to love me
Like I never been loved before
I’m lookin’ for a man that’ll do it anywhere
Even on a limousine floor ‘cause

Tonight I’m livin’ in a fantasy
My own little nasty world
Tonight, don’t you wanna come with me
Do you think I’m a nasty girl
Tonight I’m livin’ in a fantasy
My own little nasty world
Tonight, don’t you wanna come with me
Do you think I’m a nasty girl

I guess I’m just used to sailors
I think they got water on the brain
I think they got more water upstairs
Than they got sugar on a candy cane

That’s right, it’s been a long time
Since I had a man that did it real good
If you ain’t scared, take it out
I’ll do it like a real live nasty girl should

Sunday, July 13, 2008

an elephant never forgets

hmmm looking back i get pissed off so let me calm down

song of the day is SOME VELVET MORNING Ft. KATE MOSS
(this song was given from Viet)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

biking alone on my street searchin for a lost friend but found a reborn stud

yeah tonight i found my old school 80's bike that was originally from my uncle when he was a kid!!! hehhe i was fashion victim on wheels YEAH baby!!!(my princess gold cap, a huge orange diamond stud, my supper baggy rip chateau jeans, my aqua blue undies, army bandanna and my silver shoes) i was super styling baby!!! yeah! so yah biking like a mad man lol move over bitch im doin a marathon

okay this i ssoo crazy this boy in my brother class in elementary school not good looking and tonight i bike to the video store and he was working... im tellin u this boy was a skinny red head boy.. now he is like super buff and handsome!!! i was like in my head (shit man he has bigger guns than me that bitch!!! hahaha) yah so
he transformed into a beautiful hot stud... okay im abit jealous okay hahahah i admit it okay guys!!! give me credit lol yah and he said he has a gf... awww soo cute but she better be hot because wat a waste of talent hahhha i can alway convert him to our side "boys love boys"!!!
yah so i ended up renting the movie ACROSS THE UNIVERSE
it better be good grrr

omg i feel soo fat i ate too much at Kanda today.. and u know what i used to eat more... i think u are right ray my stomach shrank!!!

yah so tonight song is I WANT YOU

"don't misunderstands me..."

sadness in china....

yeah while i was sleepin.. my best friend in china was having a hard time... too bad i cant go see him and comfort him... ppl like him server someone that will return love...
like wat i learn is LOVE 4 Love... if not then itz no good
he does soo much for this boy and still he plays games
sorry but does Shane look like a fucken toy?? noo!! so stop playing!!!

this song is just for u cuz i know how u feel shane... this is just for u babe
Lyrics is for u... just found this song this morning thinking of you "super new"

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hello plz to meet you.. still not gonna tell you my name!!!

yah so i got my beautiful dolce!!! hahaha yah so i spend soo much today it sooo not funny iam broke ass now.. wahhh :( oh well if i wanna look pretty and tell the time lol well not really lol i cant even tell on my watch hahaha too much bling!!! oh well it soo pretty lol yah so today i heard the cutest and sweetest thing ever from a friend.. it make me feel so special.. i just wish he could stay a bit longer so he can experience the crazy 12 12 gang aka BHH busting hoes heads!!! hahahah
yah so patti cake u wat is best for u and u deserve to be happy! time will only tell

so for now BE A NASTY GIRL!!! 4 ever bff

join the navy!!!!

yah so it been soo long i haven't written on my blog ... it was more like music that says it all .... yah so today is a big day!!! gonna get my beautiful face today hahaha and im finaly getting my amazing D&G baby!!! yeah i think i deserve it... working like an Ox :(

yeah awww this week i met the new friend that will stay in my heart!! and he will be leave today.. so i will miss him alot!!! :( but hey there is always facebook and textmsg hehehe

yah he is awesome he gave me a drawing and a note with it that i will cherish forever....

well i have big day so im off and Justin i hope u had a great time in montreal with the one and only ASIAN TWINK BOI!!!!!!!

oh patty upload the pics from old port!!! not the ass one plz!!!! lol
oh and maria i will always be your SUGAR BABY
cuz i friggen sweet!!!


today song is Lola's Theme

until you stop me

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I can't give it up..All over you
I keep messin' up...That's what I do

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I can't...

I can't be with you again
Don't remind me
Of the good times that we had
I've Learned a lot from us since then
I never want these feelings
To ever come again

But I won't fall back
In love with you again
I don't even wanna be
your friend...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Push me...

hey patty congrats im soo happy for u... u deserve the best boy!!! and it was soo fun seeing u and maria aka crazy Russian girl hahhha yah she loves raff too much hahahha she just can wait to use that strap on on him... putrisha open for business lol yah thanks for making me smile babes!!! yah soo now we have a new cute asian boy in our family!!! im gonna be a big sister now!

yah so pat i will call yah cuz we need some serious talkin to do....

yah i trying hard to be a good person but i guess it doesnt really matter cuz nothing will happend...

i think i need to go back to TO soon...
viet and ray called me from there tonight and i wish i was with them... :(
so i can be someone that i am not and no one know the real me...

"Could you be holding out for something more
Maybe I'm not what you're looking for..."

big day for girlicious so no fucking around!!!

crazy day gotta look hot and sexy for work ughhh!!! but hey itz me soo hahhhaha so yah freemason time to listen to your song again bring out the fierce asiantwinkboi out again!!!!! hehehehe

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i'll keep this fire buring

Thanks to my TO trip and my friends...

"even if u lost your faith in love i'll be right behind yah..."

just let the flow go... and see
cuz we dont know what the future holds for me...

make a move on me now boy!!!! with your sexual healing!!! if not ...just DARE ME

hahaha super gay video!!! but i love my soul house songs!!! hahahaha gay gay gay
and WHAT NO HOT BLACK GIRLS!!!! booo i hate it when they put white chicks only!!! boooo more ethics PLZZZ!!!!